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Finding Your Passion in Life

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Has it ever bugged you feeling like you are just going through the motions with no clearly defined passion or purpose? At the moment you feel like there is a missing piece in your life that could make you happier. Like you know in your gut that there is something great within you and you want more from life, but you are having a hard time figuring out what that is exactly.

In other words, you're confused af! It's okay tho because the best of us have been there. Every successful person had to grow through this process of learning their true passions.

An effective way to determine what you want in life (and also identify what’s holding you back) is by asking yourself a series of profound self-reflection questions.

To find your passion in life, you've got to be willing to become intimately familiar with yourself. You must know what drives you, what inspires you, what excites you, what engages you, what scares you, what you do naturally well, what you pretend to like but don’t, and what lies you're saying to yourself!

As you become more familiar with yourself, you’ll be able to determine what’s most important in the limited time you have in a day, a year, and even throughout your lifetime. In doing this, you can maximize your time doing more of what you love and less of what you don’t love.

Most of us are so busy reacting to events in our current lives that we don’t allow the time to examine what’s not working well and why. We certainly don’t take the time to ask ourselves those deeper, probing questions that unearth our authenticity and buried longings.

If we really want to find our passion and purpose in life, we need to set aside time and create space to ask ourselves these tough and challenging questions.

Happy Woman

Here are the Top 10 questions to ask yourself to begin to understand what you are passionate about.

1. What areas of your current life are working well for you — what do you find fulfilling, meaningful, enjoyable, and important?

2. What areas of your current life are not working well for you — what makes you stressed and anxious, wastes your time or drains you?

3. If you were financially secure and didn’t need a salary, how would you spend your time?

4. What are some childhood interests or dreams you never were able to explore fully, but still find intriguing?

5. If you could pick three things that you would like to be remembered for after you die - what would they be?

6. Is there someone in your life or your past whose life and work inspires and excites you? Why?

7. What skills or talents do you have that you are passionate about using?

8. What skills or talents do you have that you are not passionate about using?

9. Consider a previous or current job - what specific activities have you done that you enjoy and find engaging?

10. Consider a previous or current job - what specific activities have you done that you dislike and never want to do again?


If you truly care about discovering your passion(s) and want to get an even clearer picture of what your passions are, then this questionnaire, 50 Questions For Finding Your Passion in Life, is for you and will lead you to discovering your passion(s) in life.

50 Questions For Finding Your Passion in Life Questionnaire

Click here to get your free copy now.

After you download your copy, print off this workbook, and answer the questions to begin to get clarity about the steps that you can take today that will lead you into a life that you'll be fully passionate about living.

What can this workbook do for you?

If you have ever been confused about what it is that you are passionate about, you are not alone. In fact, a large percentage of the population has no idea what it is they want, desire, or are passionate about because they never really took the time to look within themselves to figure out.

If you are among this group described, you should understand that it is okay if you do not know the answer to the question "what am I passionate about?" and truthfully it is probably because no one asked you the kinds of questions that make you think of these things. But today is the day that changes for you...

This workbook is designed to help you answer some key questions that will lead you into determining what is that gives you life. This questionnaire includes FIFTY questions used to help you dive deep to discover what it is that excites and drives you.

The goal of the Pursuit of Passion Questionnaire is to inspire you to discover your passions which could help lead you to your purpose by answering a series of questions that force you to go within yourself to discover your real answers.

Added benefits to finding your passion include:

  • Increased self-awareness.

  • Increased energy.

  • Helps to create change and movement in your life.

  • Drives your vision for your life

  • and so much more...

Click here to download your free copy of 50 Questions for Finding Your Passion: Pursuit of Passion Questionnaire.

Even if you already have an idea of what your passion and purpose are this workbook still can serve as a guide to further pinpoint and ensure you are on the right track.

Get your copy today!

I hope you find this useful in discovering your passion and that this leads you to live a thankful and happier life with intent and purpose.


Coach PreciousDiddy - Life Coach

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